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Term 1 2023

Updated: Jan 29, 2023

Thank You all for your continued support of the Wollondilly Razorbacks.

Our Friday night social competition is continuing to grow and we are gradually formalising the competition to improve the quality of experience for the kids. There are some important changes you need to be across. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (LEARN TO PLAY) As you may be aware we have explored moving the Development Program to another afternoon to accommodate the growth of our Friday Night Social Competition. It is probable that in Term 1 2023, Hoops Capital in partnership with Belgravia Leisure centres (who now operate the Wollondilly Leisure Centre) will be looking to offer their own basketball development program. We are working with Hoops Capital to understand their offering and whether it will complement or replace our development program. We expect there will be more information provided in the coming weeks. U12/U14 SOCIAL COMPETITIONS Friday 3rd February will be our first night back for 2023. Please make sure you join us on this night at 6pm sharp for Team Selection. The Term 1 competition will introduce some new approaches that will bring us in line with other associations and representative leagues. We will be using GameDay for scoring of the games which is in line with how Representative games are scored. It will also mean that the schedule of the term’s games will be published via the Razorbacks website. Teams will be formed on the opening night of the term. Age and skill levels will be balanced by the Competition Manager. Players will be registered to specific teams, and no changes will be made after Week 2. New or returning players wanting to play after that date will be added to a waitlist. Waitlist players will only be added to a team if numbers in that team fall below 6 players. Each team will need to manage their own substitutions. Forms are available to assist with providing each player with a fair amount of play time. U16 SOCIAL GAMES We are pleased to be able to welcome back the U16’s games. These will be held at 8pm each week. FEES Our objective is to provide as many people as possible with the opportunity to play basketball and we are proud to have some of the lowest fees of any basketball association in the South West. In order to keep those fees low and to make it easier to manage the payments we will be removing the weekly payment option. The term will be required to be paid upfront and the fees remain $70 per person per term. Payment of the Term Fees and the annual BasketballNSW Registration is via GameDay. We will no longer accept cash at the stadium for payment of fees or jerseys. Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday 3rd February at 6pm for team selections.

Kind Regards,

Wollondilly Razorbacks Committee


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